Multiquip Food Saver STXD6i User Manual

OperatiOn Manual  
MODel StxD6i  
hyDraulic riDe-On trOwel  
(yanMar 4tnV84t-Z-DSa2 DieSel enGine)  
Revision #0 (03/23/12)  
To find the latest revision of this  
publication, visit our website at:  
pn: 22778  
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prOpOSitiOn 65 warninG  
Diesel engine exhaust and some of  
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SilicOSiS/reSpiratOry warninGS  
Grinding/cutting/drilling of masonry, concrete, metal and  
other materials with silica in their composition may give  
off dust or mists containing crystalline silica. Silica is a  
basic component of sand, quartz, brick clay, granite and  
numerous other minerals and rocks. Repeated and/or  
substantial inhalation of airborne crystalline silica can  
cause serious or fatal respiratory diseases, including  
silicosis. In addition, California and some other  
authorities have listed respirable crystalline silica as a  
substance known to cause cancer. When cutting such  
materials, always follow the respiratory precautions  
mentioned above.  
Grinding/cutting/drilling of masonry, concrete, metal and  
other materials can generate dust, mists and fumes  
containing chemicals known to cause serious or fatal  
injury or illness, such as respiratory disease, cancer,  
birth defects or other reproductive harm. If you are  
unfamiliar with the risks associated with the particular  
process and/or material being cut or the composition of  
the tool being used, review the material safety data  
sheet and/or consult your employer, the material  
manufacturer/supplier, governmental agencies such as  
OSHA and NIOSH and other sources on hazardous  
materials. California and some other authorities, for  
instance, have published lists of substances known to  
cause cancer, reproductive toxicity, or other harmful  
Control dust, mist and fumes at the source where  
possible. In this regard use good work practices and  
follow the recommendations of the manufacturers or  
suppliers, OSHA/NIOSH, and occupational and trade  
associations. Water should be used for dust  
suppression when wet cutting is feasible. When the  
hazards from inhalation of dust, mists and fumes cannot  
be eliminated, the operator and any bystanders should  
always wear a respirator approved by NIOSH/MSHA for  
the materials being used.  
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table Of cOntentS  
StxD6i ride-On trowel  
Proposition 65 Warning ........................................... 2  
Silicosis/Respiratory Warnings................................ 3  
Table Of Contents.................................................... 4  
Training Checklist .................................................... 6  
Daily Pre-Operation Checklist ................................. 7  
Safety Information ................................................ 8-3  
Lifting And Transporting......................................... 14  
Specifications ........................................................ 15  
Dimensions............................................................ 16  
General Information............................................... 17  
Components ..................................................... 18-19  
Basic Engine.......................................................... 20  
Inspection ......................................................... 21-22  
Setup ..................................................................... 23  
Operation.......................................................... 24-29  
Maintenance..................................................... 30-35  
Troubleshooting ................................................ 36-39  
Specifications are subject to change without notice.  
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traininG checkliSt  
Training checklist  
Read operation manual  
Machine layout, location of  
components, checking of engine  
and hydraulic oil levels  
Fuel system, refueling procedure  
Operation of spray and lights  
Operation of controls (machine  
not running)  
Safety controls, safety stop switch  
Emergency stop procedures  
Startup of machine, pre-heat,  
engine choke  
Maintaining a hover  
Matching blade pitch. Twin-Pitch™  
Concrete finishing techniques  
Shutdown of machine  
Lifting of machine (lift loops)  
Machine transport and storage  
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Daily pre-OperatiOn checkliSt  
daily pre-Operation checklist  
Engine oil level  
Hydraulic oil level  
Radiator coolant level  
Condition of blades  
Blade pitch operation  
Safety stop switch operation  
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Safety infOrMatiOn  
Do not operate or service the equipment before reading  
the entire manual. Safety precautions should be followed  
at all times when operating this equipment.  
Failure to read and understand the safety  
messages and operating instructions could  
result in injury to yourself and others.  
Potential hazards associated with the operation of this  
equipment will be referenced with hazard symbols which  
may appear throughout this manual in conjunction with  
safety messages.  
Safety Hazard  
safeTy messages  
Lethal exhaust gas hazards  
The four safety messages shown below will inform you  
about potential hazards that could injure you or others.The  
safety messages specifically address the level of exposure  
to the operator and are preceded by one of four words:  
daNgeR, WaRNINg, cauTION or NOTIce.  
Explosive fuel hazards  
Burn hazards  
safeTy symBOLs  
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,  
WILL result in deaTh or seRIOus INJuRy.  
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,  
cOuLd result in deaTh or seRIOus INJuRy.  
Rotating parts hazards  
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,  
cOuLd result in mINOR or mOdeRaTe INJuRy.  
Pressurized fluid hazards  
Addresses practices not related to personal injury.  
Hydraulic fluid hazards  
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Safety infOrMatiOn  
geNeRaL safeTy  
„ This equipment should only be operated by trained and  
qualified personnel 18 years of age and older.  
„ NeveR operate this equipment without proper protective  
clothing, shatterproof glasses, respiratory protection,  
hearing protection, steel-toed boots and other protective  
devices required by the job or city and state regulations.  
„ Whenever necessary, replace nameplate, operation and  
safety decals when they become difficult read.  
„ Manufacturer does not assume responsibility for any  
accident due to equipment modifications. Unauthorized  
equipment modification will void all warranties.  
„ NeveR use accessories or attachments that are not  
recommended by Multiquip for this equipment. Damage  
to the equipment and/or injury to user may result.  
„ Avoid wearing jewelry or loose fitting clothes that may  
snag on the controls or moving parts as this can cause  
serious injury.  
„ aLWays know the location of the nearest  
fire extinguisher.  
„ NeveR operate this equipment when not  
feeling well due to fatigue, illness or when  
under medication.  
„ aLWays know the location of the nearest  
first aid kit.  
„ NeveR operate this equipment under the  
influence of drugs or alcohol.  
„ aLWays know the location of the nearest phone or keep  
a phone on the job site. Also, know the phone numbers  
of the nearest ambulance, doctor and fire department.  
This information will be invaluable in the case of an  
„ aLWays clear the work area of any debris, tools, etc.  
that would constitute a hazard while the equipment is  
in operation.  
„ No one other than the operator is to be in the working  
area when the equipment is in operation.  
„ dO NOT use the equipment for any purpose other than  
its intended purposes or applications.  
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Safety infOrMatiOn  
TROWeL safeTy  
„ aLWays keep the machine in proper running condition.  
„ Fix damage to machine and replace any broken parts  
„ Engine fuel exhaust gases contain poisonous carbon  
monoxide. This gas is colorless and odorless, and can  
cause death if inhaled.  
„ aLWays store equipment properly when it is not being  
used.Equipment should be stored in a clean, dry location  
out of the reach of children and unauthorized personnel.  
„ The engine of this equipment requires an adequate free  
flow of cooling air.NeveR operate this equipment in any  
enclosed or narrow area  
„ A safety manual for operating and maintenance  
personnel of concrete power trowels produced by the  
Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) can be  
obtained for a fee by ordering through their website at  
where free flow of the air is  
restricted. If the air flow is  
restricted it will cause injury  
to people and property and  
serious damage to the  
equipment or engine.  
Order FORM PT-160  
eNgINe safeTy  
„ NeveRoperatetheequipmentinanexplosive  
explosion or fire could result causing severe  
bodily harm or even death.  
„ dO NOT place hands or fingers inside engine  
compartment when engine is running.  
„ NeveR operate the engine with heat shields or  
guards removed.  
„ If applicable, NeveR use your hand to find  
hydraulic leaks. Use a piece of wood or  
cardboard. Hydraulic fluid injected into the  
skin must be treated by a knowledgeable  
physician immediately or severe injury or  
death can occur.  
„ Keep fingers, hands hair and clothing away  
from all moving parts to prevent injury.  
„ dO NOT remove the radiator cap while the  
engine is hot. High pressure boiling water will gush out  
of the radiator and severely scald any persons in the  
general area of the trowel.  
„ aLWays keep clear of rotating or moving  
parts while operating the trowel.  
„ NeveR disconnect any emergency  
or safety devices. These devices are  
intended for operator safety. Disconnection of these  
devices can cause severe injury, bodily harm or even  
death. Disconnection of any of these devices will void  
all warranties.  
„ dO NOT remove the coolant drain plug  
while the engine is hot. Hot coolant will  
gush out of the coolant tank and severely  
scald any persons in the general area of  
the trowel.  
„ dO NOT remove the engine oil drain plug while the  
engine is hot. Hot oil will gush out of the oil tank and  
severely scald any persons in the general area of the  
„ NeveR allow passengers or riders on the trowel during  
„ NeveR lubricate components or attempt service on a  
running machine.  
„ NeveR touch the hot exhaust manifold,  
muffler or cylinder.Allow these parts to cool  
before servicing equipment.  
„ NeveR place your feet or hands inside the guard rings  
while starting or operating this equipment.  
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Safety infOrMatiOn  
BaTTeRy safeTy  
„ NeveR run engine without an air filter or with a dirty air  
filter.Severe engine damage may occur.Service air filter  
frequently to prevent engine malfunction.  
„ dO NOT drop the battery. There is a possibility that the  
battery will explode.  
„ NeveR tamper with the factory settings  
of the engine or engine governor. Damage  
to the engine or equipment can result  
if operating in speed ranges above the  
maximum allowable.  
„ dO NOT expose the battery to open flames,  
sparks, cigarettes, etc.The battery contains  
combustible gases and liquids. If these  
gases and liquids come into contact with a  
flame or spark, an explosion could occur.  
fueL safeTy  
„ aLWays wear safety glasses when  
handling the battery to avoid eye irritation.  
The battery contains acids that can cause  
injury to the eyes and skin.  
„ dO NOT start the engine near spilled fuel or combustible  
fluids. Fuel is extremely flammable and its vapors can  
cause an explosion if ignited.  
„ Use well-insulated gloves when picking up  
the battery.  
„ aLWays refuel in a well-ventilated area, away from  
sparks and open flames.  
„ aLWays keep the battery charged. If the battery is not  
charged, combustible gas will build up.  
„ aLWays use extreme caution when working with  
flammable liquids.  
„ dO NOT charge battery if frozen. Battery can explode.  
When frozen, warm the battery to at least 61°F (16°C).  
„ dO NOT fill the fuel tank while the engine is running  
or hot.  
„ aLWays recharge the battery in a well-ventilated  
of combustible gases.  
„ dO NOT overfill tank, since spilled fuel could ignite if it  
comes into contact with hot engine parts or sparks from  
the ignition system.  
„ If the battery liquid (dilute sulfuric acid)  
comes into contact with clothing or skin,  
rinse skin or clothing immediately with  
plenty of water.  
„ Store fuel in appropriate containers, in well-ventilated  
areas and away from sparks and flames.  
„ NeveR use fuel as a cleaning agent.  
„ dO NOT smoke around or near the  
equipment. Fire or explosion could result  
from fuel vapors or if fuel is spilled on a  
hot engine.  
„ If the battery liquid (dilute sulfuric acid) comes into  
contact with eyes, rinse eyes immediately with plenty  
of water and contact the nearest doctor or hospital to  
seek medical attention.  
„ aLWays disconnect the NegaTIve battery terminal  
before performing service on the equipment.  
„ aLWays keep battery cables in good working condition.  
Repair or replace all worn cables.  
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Safety infOrMatiOn  
TRaNspORTINg safeTy  
TOWINg safeTy  
„ NeveR allow any person or animal to  
stand underneath the equipment while  
„ Check with your local county or state safety  
towing regulations, in addition to meeting  
Department of Transportation (DOT)  
SafetyTowing Regulations, before towing  
your trowel.  
„ Ride-on trowels are very heavy and  
awkward to move around. Use proper  
heavy lifting procedures and dO NOT  
attempt to lift the trowel by the guard rings.  
„ In order to reduce the possibility of an accident while  
transporting the trowel on public roads, aLWays make  
sure the trailer that supports the trowel and the towing  
vehicle are mechanically sound and in good operating  
„ NeveR lift trowel with the operator on the machine.  
„ aLWays shutdown engine before transporting  
„ The easiest way to lift the trowel is to utilize the lift loops  
that are welded to the frame.These lift loops are located  
to the left and right sides of the operator’s seat.  
„ Make sure the hitch and coupling of the towing vehicle  
are rated equal to, or greater than the trailer “gross  
vehicle weight rating.”  
A strap/chain can be attached to these lift loops, allowing  
a forklift or crane to lift the trowel up onto and off of a slab  
of concrete. The strap or chain should have a minimum  
of 2,000 pounds (1,000 kg) lifting capacity and the lifting  
gear must be capable of lifting at least this amount.  
„ aLWays inspect the hitch and coupling for wear. NeveR  
tow a trailer with defective hitches, couplings, chains, etc.  
„ Check the tire air pressure on both towing vehicle and  
trailer. Manufacturer recommends that trailer tires be  
inflated to 50 psi cold. Also check the tire tread wear  
on both vehicles.  
„ NeveR transport trowel with float pans attached unless  
safety catches are used and are specifically cleared for  
such transport by the manufacturer.  
„ aLWays make sure the trailer is equipped with a safety  
„ NeveR hoist the trowel more than three feet off the  
ground with float pans attached.  
„ aLWays properly attach trailer’s safety chains to towing  
„ Before lifting, make sure that the lift loops are not  
„ aLWays make sure the vehicle and trailer directional,  
backup, brake and trailer lights are connected and  
working properly.  
„ Always make sure crane or lifting device has been  
properly secured to the lift loops of the equipment.  
„ aLWays shutdown engine before transporting.  
„ DOT Requirements include the following:  
„ NeveR lift the equipment while the engine is running.  
• Connect and test electric brake operation.  
„ Tighten fuel tank cap securely and close fuel cock to  
prevent fuel from spilling.  
• Secure portable power cables in cable tray with tie  
„ Use adequate lifting cable (wire or rope) of sufficient  
„ The maximum speed for highway towing is 55 MPH unless  
posted otherwise.Recommended off-road towing is not to  
exceed 15 MPH or less depending on type of terrain.  
„ dO NOT lift machine to unnecessary heights.  
„ Avoid sudden stops and starts.This can cause skidding,  
or jack-knifing. Smooth, gradual starts and stops will  
improve towing.  
„ aLWays tie down equipment during transport by  
securing the equipment with straps. Inspect straps to  
make sure they are not frayed or damaged.  
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Safety infOrMatiOn  
„ Avoid sharp turns to prevent rolling.  
of recycling metal. Using a metal recycling center  
promotes energy cost savings.  
„ Trailer should be adjusted to a level position at all times  
when towing.  
„ Raise and lock trailer wheel stand in up position when  
The diesel engine used in this equipment has been  
designed to reduce harmful levels of carbon monoxide  
(CO), hydrocarbons (HC) and nitrogen oxides (NOx)  
contained in diesel exhaust emissions.  
„ Place chock blocks underneath wheel to prevent rolling  
while parked.  
„ Place support blocks underneath the trailer’s bumper to  
prevent tipping while parked.  
This engine has been certified to meet US EPA Evaporative  
emissions requirements in the installed configuration.  
„ Use the trailer’s swivel jack to adjust the trailer height to  
a level position while parked.  
Attempting to modify or make adjustments to the engine  
emission system by unauthorized personnel without proper  
training could damage the equipment or create an unsafe  
eNvIRONmeNTaL safeTy/decOmmIssIONINg  
Additionally, modifying the fuel system may adversely affect  
evaporative emissions, resulting in fines or other penalties.  
Decommissioning is a controlled process used to safely  
retire a piece of equipment that is no longer serviceable.  
If the equipment poses an unacceptable and unrepairable  
safety risk due to wear or damage or is no longer cost  
effective to maintain (beyond life-cycle reliability) and is to  
be decommissioned (demolition and dismantlement),be  
sure to follow rules below.  
emission control Label  
The emission control label is an integral part of the emission  
system and is strictly controlled by regulations.  
The label must remain with the engine for its entire life.  
„ dO NOT pour waste or oil directly onto the ground, down  
a drain or into any water source.  
If a replacement emission label is needed, please contact  
your authorized Yanmar Engine Distributor.  
„ Contact your country's Department of  
Public Works or recycling agency in your  
area and arrange for proper disposal of  
any electrical components, waste or oil  
associated with this equipment.  
„ When the life cycle of this equipment is over, remove  
battery and bring to appropriate facility for lead  
reclamation. Use safety precautions when handling  
batteries that contain sulfuric acid.  
„ When the life cycle of this equipment is over, it is  
recommended that the trowel frame and all other metal  
parts be sent to a recycling center.  
Metal recycling involves the collection of metal from  
discarded products and its transformation into raw  
materials to use in manufacturing a new product.  
Recyclers and manufacturers alike promote the process  
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liftinG anD tranSpOrtinG  
When lifting trowel for moving or transporting, do the  
following (see Figure 1).  
After trowel has been lifted onto a flatbed truck, do the  
3. Attach suitable tie-down straps to the trowel. Route  
tie-down straps on both sides as shown in Figure 2.  
Figure 2. Routing Tie-down Straps  
4. Secure the trowel to the flatbed with the two straps,  
making sure they are properly tied, to prevent  
movement of the trowel during transport.  
Figure 1. Lifting the Trowel  
1. Secure two lifting straps to the lift loops located on the  
left and right side of the trowel.  
2. To lift, insert forklift forks through loops at the end of  
lifting straps.  
Ensure forklift has adequate lifting capacity for lifting  
the trowel.  
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Table 1. Trowel specifications  
Weight – lbs. (kgs.) Operating  
Weight – lbs. (kgs.) Shipping  
Sound Pressure – dBA2  
Vibration – ft/s2 (m/s2)3  
Blade Tip Speed – ft/min (m/s)  
Fuel Tank – gallons (liters)  
Rotor – RPM  
2,165 (982)  
(less pallet material) 2,077 (942)  
1973 (10.0)  
11 (42)  
0 to 130  
117 (297)  
Path Width – in. (cm)  
(10W-40 hot weather)  
(10W-30 cold weather)  
Hydraulic Oil4  
Table 2. engine specifications  
Yanmar 4TNV84T-Z-DSA2  
Vertical 4-cycle water cooled diesel engine - direct  
injected - turbocharged  
No. of Cylinders  
Bore X Stroke  
3.31 in. x 3.54 in.  
(84 mm x 90 mm)  
Max Output  
121.74 cu-in. (1.995 L)  
55 HP (41 kW) @3000 RPM  
Liquid cooled (Radiator)  
7.08 US qt. (6.7 liter) dipstick upper limit  
Flywheel End  
Cooling System  
Lube Oil Capacity  
P.T.O Position  
Starting Method  
Electric Starting  
Recommended Battery Capacity  
12V-64 Ah (5h rating)  
2.9 quarts (2.7 liters)  
Engine Coolant Capacity  
Charging System  
25.55 x 19.65 x 28.08 in.  
(649 x 499 x 713 mm)  
Dimension (L x W x H)  
Net Weight (Dry)  
374.79 lbs (170 Kg.)  
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Figure 3. STXD6i Dimensions  
Table 3. Trowel dimensions  
A – Length – in. (cm)  
B – Width – in. (cm)  
C – Height – in. (cm)1  
125 (318)  
65 (165)  
56 (142)  
1. This value includes the seat height (Table 3).  
2. Sound pressure is a weighted measure. Measured at the operators ear position while the ride-on trowel is operating  
at full throttle on concrete in a manner most often experienced in “normal” circumstances. Sound pressure may vary  
depending upon the condition of the concrete. Hearing protection is always recommended (Table 1).  
3. The vibration level indicated is the maximum RMS (Root Mean Square) value obtained at the handle grip while  
operating the ride-on trowel on curing concrete in a manner most often experienced in “normal” circumstances.  
Values were obtained from all three axes of motion.The values shown represent the maximum RMS value from these  
measurements (Table 1).  
4. “AW” stands for anti-wear and “MV” stands for multi-viscosity. The 68 refers to the general viscosity range and is  
similar to 10W-30-motor oil. It is recommended that AW MV 68 hydraulic oil be used. If this type of hydraulic oil is  
not available then use 10W-30 engine oil for cold weather or 10W-40 engine oil for hot weather (Table 1).  
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General infOrMatiOn  
INTeNded use  
hydRauLIc sTeeRINg  
Operate the STXD6i ride-on trowel, tools, and components  
in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Use of  
any other tools for stated operation is considered contrary  
to designated use.The risk of such use lies entirely with the  
user.The manufacturer cannot be held liable for damages  
as a result of misuse.  
Dual palm grip joystick controls located to the left and  
right of the operator are provided for steering the STXD6i  
Ride-On Trowel.The joysticks are linked to three hydraulic  
steering cylinders located within the frame of the machine.  
hydRauLIc pump  
The hydraulic pump delivers controlled flow of hydraulic  
fluid to the hydraulic motors.  
The STXD6i Ride-On Power Trowel is designed for the  
floating and finishing of concrete slabs.  
Take a walk around your trowel. Take notice of all the  
major components like the engine, blades, air cleaner,  
fuel system, fuel shut-off valve, ignition switch etc. Check  
that there is always a proper level of oil in the engine and  
a proper level of hydraulic oil in the hydraulic oil reservoir.  
Read all the safety information carefully.Safety instructions  
will be found throughout this manual and on the machine.  
Keep all safety information in good, readable condition.  
Operators should be well trained on the operation and  
maintenance of the trowel.  
Before using your trowel, test it on a flat, watered down  
section of finished concrete.This trial test run will increase  
your confidence in using the trowel and at the same time it  
will familiarize you with the trowel’s controls and indicators.  
In addition you will understand how the trowel will handle  
under actual conditions.  
This trowel is equipped with a Yanmar 4TNV84T diesel  
engine. Refer to the engine owner’s manual for specific  
instructions regarding engine operation.  
The blades of the trowel finish the concrete as they are  
swirled around the surface. Blades are classified as  
combination (10 or 8 inches wide) and finish (6 inches  
wide). This trowel is equipped with six blades per rotor  
equally spaced in a radial pattern and attached to a vertical  
rotating shaft by means of a spider assembly.  
Independent hydrostatic drive motors are coupled to the  
engine-powered hydrostatic pump. Each motor drives a  
spider assembly.  
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Figure 4. Components (Front)  
1. seat — Place for operator to sit.Trowel blades will not  
rotate unless operator is seated. Seat is adjustable.  
7. cruise control switch — Press this switch to engage  
the cruise control. Press again to disengage.  
2. stop Lamp (Red) — Used to relay trouble codes  
information that is severe enough to warrant stopping  
the trowel.  
8. pitch Block — (Behind grill guard) Measure at the  
service port and adjust pitch pressure at the pitch block.  
9. Ignition switch — With key inserted, turn switch  
clockwise to start engine.  
3. Warning Lamp (amber) — Used to relay trouble code  
information that is reporting a problem with the system  
but the trowel need not be immediately stopped.  
10. foot pedal — Controls blade speed. Slow blade  
speed is accomplished by slightly depressing the foot  
pedal. Maximum blade speed is accomplished by fully  
depressing the foot pedal.  
4. Indicators:  
Oil Indicator Light — Not connected on this machine.  
11. Removable steps (left and right) — Provides for  
safe footing for mounting and dismounting trowel.  
When removed, provides access to spider and blade  
Water Temperature Light — Lights red when water  
temperature is high.  
charge Indicator — Lights red when electrical system  
is not charging properly.  
12. Lights — Six low voltage halogen lights are provided  
with this unit.  
aux 1 — Cold start lamp, indicates when cold start  
sequence is enabled.  
13. grab handles — Use to assist safe mounting and  
dismounting trowel.  
aux 2 — Filter Condition lamp Indicates when hydraulic  
filter needs serviced  
14. Lift Loops — Located on both the left and right sides  
of the main frame. Used when the trowel must be lifted  
onto a concrete slab.  
cold start aid — Indicates when engine cold start aid  
is enabled.  
15. hour meter — Indicates number of hours machine  
has been used.  
5. Throttle switch — Controls the speed of the engine.  
Press up to increase engine speed (high). down to  
decrease engine speed (low).  
16. Retardant spray control Buttons (left and right) —  
When pressed allows retardant spray to flow through  
the spray nozzle located at the front of the machine.  
6. fuel/Water separator — Separates water, dirt and  
sludge from fuel preventing engine component wear.  
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Figure 5. Components (Rear)  
17. pitch mode switch — Sets the mode of operation of  
the blade pitch system to either auto or manual.  
30. steering control (right side) — Allows the unit to  
move in either a forward, reverse left or right direction.  
18. fuel pump— Provides fuel flow to injection pump.  
31. grill guards (left and right) — Protects operator from  
moving components.Remove for maintenance access.  
19. Blade pitch control (Twin pitch) — Adjusts the pitch  
on both rotors simultaneously but non-synchronously.  
32. documentationcanisterStoragefordocumentation  
and other information regarding the trowel.  
20. Blade pitch control switch (left side) — Adjusts the  
left side blade pitch independently of the right side.  
33. Battery — Provides +12V DC to the electrical system.  
21. hydraulic Reservoir — Part of frame.Holds hydraulic  
oil necessary for pump operation.  
34. hydraulic Oil filler cap — Remove this cap to add  
hydraulic oil.Open ONLY when system is cooled down  
and all expanded oil has returned to the reservoir.  
22. spray Nozzles — Spray nozzle for retardant.Two spray  
nozzles are supplied with this unit.  
35. hydraulic Oil sight glass — Indicates the level of the  
hydraulic oil in the reservoir.  
23. Overflow Bottle — (Behind grill guard.) Supplies water  
or coolant to the radiator when radiator water or coolant  
level is low. Fill to indicated level as shown on bottle.  
36. hydraulic suction filter — Filters hydraulic fluid prior  
to entering the system. (10 Micron absolute synthetic media.)  
24. fuel gauge/filler cap — Indicates the amount of fuel  
in the fuel tank. Remove this cap to add fuel.  
37. Retardant sprayTank — Holds 5 gallons of retardant,  
water, or other liquid.  
25. Toolbox compartment — Storage for tools.  
38. hydraulic Oil expansion Tank — Accommodates  
expanding hydraulic oil as it gets hot. The oil gravity  
flows back to the reservoir as it cools down, therefore  
NeveR open the Hydraulic Oil Filler Cap when the  
system is warm and the oil has expanded.  
26. fuse Box — Contains fuses for control electronics.  
27. Relays — Relays for lights and safety bypass switch.  
28. Light switch — When activated, turns on six halogen  
lights.Lights offer better visibility when working indoors  
39. safety Bypass switch — The trowel will not move  
unless an operator is sitting on the seat. The weight  
of an operator activates the switch allowing the rotors  
to turn.  
29. steering control (left side) — Allows the unit to move  
in a forward or reverse direction only.  
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baSic enGine  
Figure 6. Basic Engine  
12. Oil dip stick — Remove to check amount and  
condition of oil in crankcase.  
1. air filter — Helps provide clean source of air flow to  
turbocharger and engine.  
13. ecO governor — Controls engine rpm.  
2. muffler — Exhaust gases routed through here.  
14. flywheel — Main power is taken off from flywheel end.  
15. fuel filter — Removes dirt and water from the fuel.  
3. fan belt — Driven by the engine crank during  
operation, drives the water pump/fan as well as the  
16. Lifting eye — Two lifting eyes are provided if the  
removal/installation of the engine becomes necessary.  
4. cooling fan — Driven by the V-belt, the cooling fan  
cools the engine by cooling water/antifreeze mixture  
that circulates through the engine block and cylinder  
17. air Intake port — Provides air from the air cleaner to  
the turbocharger unit.  
5. crankshaft v-pulley — Check fan V-belt between  
V-Pulley and alternator to determine proper belt  
18. Turbocharger — Provides pressurized intake air to the  
cylinder by means of a turbine energized by exhaust  
gas that rotates the blower.  
6. Water pump — Circulates coolant flow through engine.  
7. Oil filler port — Remove to add fresh crankcase oil.  
8. Oil drain plug — Remove plug to drain crankcase oil.  
9. Injection pump — Provides equal fuel flow to injectors.  
10. Oil filter — Spin-on type, filters oil for contaminants.  
11. Oil pressure switch — Monitors oil level.  
19. starter — Starts engine when ignition key is rotated  
to the "START" position.  
20. alternator — Provides current to the electrical  
system and charges the battery. Driven by means of  
a crankshaft/V-belt pulley system.  
21. fan Belt Tension adjustment — This bolt provides  
means to adjust the V-belt tension at the alternator  
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hydRauLIc OIL  
1. Check the hydraulic oil condition through the sight glass  
(Figure 8) Replace hydraulic oil if dirty or if bubbles  
are present.  
The following sections are intended to assist the  
operator with inspection of the STXD6i Ride-OnTrowel.  
It is extremely important that these sections are read  
carefully before attempting to use the trowel in the field.  
dO NOT use your Ride-On Trowel until these sections  
are thoroughly understood.  
Failure to understand the operation of the STXD6i  
Ride-OnTrowel could result in personal injury or severe  
damage to the trowel.  
eNgINe OIL  
Figure 8. Hydraulic Oil Sight Glass  
2. Determine if the hydraulic oil is low.The hydraulic tank  
has an elevated overflow bottle. dO NOT remove the  
fill cap when the oil is hot or spillage will occur.  
Hydraulic oil can get hOT! aLWays allow  
hydraulic oil to cool before removing fill  
Figure 7. Engine Oil Check and Fill  
Removal of the fill cap when oil fills the  
sight glass will cause hydraulic oil to spill.  
Clean up hydraulic oil spills immediately.  
1. When checking or adding oil, place the machine so  
the engine is level.  
2. Pull the engine oil dipstick from its holder, (Figure 7).  
3. To add hydraulic oil, remove fill cap on the hydraulic  
tank. Fill to overflow with hydraulic system cool. Use  
Chevron AW / MV ISO 68 or equivalent.  
3. Determine if engine oil is low. Oil should be between  
the upper limit and lower limit (add oil) lines.  
4. If oil is below the "Add Engine Oil" line add oil up  
to upper limit on the dipstick. Allow enough time for  
any added oil to make its way to the oil pan before  
dO NOT overfill the oil pan with engine oil.Always keep  
the engine oil level between the upper and lower limit  
lines on the dipstick.  
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„ The carbon residue content must not exceed  
0.01% by volume. Less than 0.1% is preferred.  
1. Determine if the engine fuel is low (Figure 9).  
„ The total aromatics content should not exceed 35%  
by volume. Less than 30% is preferred.  
„ The PAH (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons )  
content should be below 10% by volume.  
E F  
„ The metal content of Na, Mg, Si, and Al should be  
equal or lower than 1 mass ppm.  
„ Lubricity:The wear mark of WS1.4 should be Max  
0.018 in (µm) at HFRR test.  
„ This trowel can use biodesel fuel. Refer to the  
Yanmar Service manual for details.  
Figure 9. Fuel Gauge  
2. If fuel level is low, remove the fuel filler cap and fill with  
ASTM D975 No1D or No. 2D diesel fuel. Handle fuel  
safely. Motor fuels are highly flammable and can be  
dangerous if mishandled.  
dO NOT smoke while refueling. dO NOT  
attempt to refuel the ride-on trowel if the  
engine is hot or running.  
3. Below are additional technical fuel requirements:  
„ The fuel cetane number should be equal to 45 or  
„ The sulfur content must not exceed 0.5% by  
volume. Less than 0.05% is preferred. For  
electronically-controlled engines, it is mandatory  
to use fuel that does not contain 0.1% or more  
sulfur content.  
dO NOT store the Ride-On Trowel with fuel in the tank  
for an extended period of time. Completely drain the  
fuel system (tank, lines, etc.) if the unit is to be put into  
long term storage. For shorter or intermediate periods  
of time the tank should be filled to avoid condensation  
that could cause contamination of the fuel.  
In general, using a high sulfur fuel may possible  
result in corrosion inside the cylinder. Low sulfur  
(300-500 mg/kg sulfur content) or ultra low sulfur  
fuel should be used.  
„ Never mix kerosene, used engine oil, or residual  
fuels with the diesel fuel.  
„ The water and sediment in the fuel should not  
exceed 0.05% by volume.  
„ Keep the fuel tank and fuel-handling equipment  
clean at all times.  
„ Poor quality fuel can reduce engine performance  
and/or cause engine damage.  
„ Fuel additives are not recommended. Some fuel  
additives may cause poor engine performance.  
„ The ash content must not exceed 0.01% by  
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The purpose of this section is to assist the user in setting  
up a new trowel. If your trowel is already assembled, (seat,  
handles, knobs and battery), this section can be skipped.  
2. To install the battery on the trowel, make sure that the  
battery is well seated in the battery box (Figure 10).  
The new trowel cannot be put into service until the  
setup instructions are completed. These instructions  
only need to be performed at the time of unpacking a  
new trowel.  
BaTTeRy seTup  
Use all safety precautions specified by the battery  
manufacturer when working with the battery.See Safety  
Information section of this manual for more details on  
battery safety.  
Figure 10. Battery Box  
1. This trowel was shipped with a wet charged battery.  
This battery may need to be charged for a brief period  
of time as per manufacturer's instructions.  
3. Connect the positive cable to the positive terminal on  
the battery first, then connect the negative cable to the  
negative terminal.  
4. Close the plastic battery box cover and secure the  
battery box.  
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sTaRTINg The eNgINe  
It is recommended that the operation of the Safety Stop  
Switch is checked prior to performing any troweling  
operations. Doing this will verify that the switch is  
working properly contributing to safe operation of the  
NeveR operate the trowel in a confined  
area or enclosed area structure that does  
not provide ample free flow of air.  
3. Insert the ignition key into the ignition switch (Figure 11).  
aLWays wear approved eye and hearing  
protection before operating the ride-on  
power trowel.  
NeveR place hands or feet inside the guard rings while  
the engine is running. aLWays shut the engine down  
before performing any kind of maintenance service on  
the trowel.  
Figure 11. Ignition Switch and Key  
4. Turn the ignition key clockwise to the ON position. Aux  
1, Aux 2, Coolant Temp, Cruise, Pitch Mode Lights will  
light for 10 seconds (Figure 12) and Charge Lamp will  
remain lit until engine starts. Coolant fan will run for  
10 seconds.  
1. With one foot on the ground and the other foot placed  
on the trowel’s platform, grasp the grab handles lifting  
yourself onto the trowel.Then sit down in the operator’s  
dO NOT grab hold of the joysticks to lift yourself onto  
the trowel. Pulling on the joysticks repeatedly will  
weaken the units. aLWays use the grab handles to  
lift yourself on the trowel.  
Figure 12. Indicator Lights  
5. When the Aux1 light turns off, turn ignition key fully  
clockwise to the sTaRT position and listen for engine  
to start. Once engine has started release ignition key.  
The throttle speed defaults to idle.Let the engine warm  
for a few minutes.  
2. This trowel is equipped with a Safety Bypass Switch.  
The trowel will not move unless an operator is sitting in  
the seat. While the engine can be started or continue  
to run with the operator off the seat, the rotors will not  
rotate. The weight of an operator activates a switch  
within the seat allowing the rotors to turn.  
The throttle will default to full speed when the foot pedal  
is depressed and operator presence is detected.  
NeveR disable or disconnect the Safety Bypass  
Switch. It is provided for the operator's safety. Injury  
may result if it is disabled, disconnected or improperly  
6. Repeat this section a few times to get fully acquainted  
with the engine starting procedure.  
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2. Engine speed changes to idle when operator leaves  
the seat or the foot pedal is released for more than a  
set period of time.  
The engine throttle has three primary speed settings: Idle,  
Charge, and Operating RPM.  
pump sTROke  
1. Each press of the Throttle Switch (Figure 13) steps it  
from idle to operating speed if operator presence is  
Stroke is proportionally controlled by the foot pedal input  
position via feedback from the stroke position sensor.  
safety Interlock  
1. Pump is automatically de-stroked if operator presence  
not detected.  
2. Upon startup, the foot pedal will not control pump  
stroke if the pedal is depressed unless it has been  
released after start up. This prevents machine from  
unintentionally moving when started.  
Figure 13. Throttle Switch  
3. Pump is automatically de-stroked if error is detected  
from foot pedal sensor.  
2. The speed defaults to idle at startup or when no  
operator presence is detected.  
4. Stroke position is directly controlled by foot pedal if  
error is detected from the stroke sensor.  
3. The speed defaults to full speed when the foot pedal is  
depressed and operator presence is detected.  
cRuIse cONTROL  
Battery management  
Setting the Cruise Control will set and maintain a set pump  
stroke position command.  
Idle speed is raised automatically to prevent battery drain  
1. Press the cruise control switch (Figure 14) to engage  
the cruise control. The cruise control switch LED  
indicator lights when cruise control is engaged.  
„ Hydraulic oil cooler fan is running.  
„ Lights are on  
„ Battery voltage drops below preset voltage  
cold start  
1. Idle speed is raised automatically to expedite bringing  
machine to operating temperature when:  
„ Hydraulic oil is below preset temperature (Oil  
forces across relief valve to raise oil temperature).  
„ Engine coolant temperature is below preset  
2. Aux 1 on indicator will light when machine is in cold  
start mode.  
Figure 14. Cruise Control Switch  
2. Press the cruise control switch again to disengage the  
cruise control.The cruise control switch LED indicator  
will turn off when cruise control is disengaged.  
safety Interlocks  
1. Full engine throttle is allowed only when operator  
presence detected.  
3. The cruise control can also be disengaged by  
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the operator resuming control of pump stroke by  
depressing the foot pedal after releasing.  
Two joysticks (Figure 15 and Figure 16) located to the left  
and right of the operator’s seat provide directional control for  
the STXD6i Ride-On Trowel.Table 3 illustrates the various  
directional positions of the joysticks and their effect on the  
ride-on trowel.  
safety Interlocks  
1. Error is detected in either Pedal Position Sensor, or  
Stroke Position Sensor.  
2. Operator Presence is not detected.  
3. Error Code is received from engine.  
pOWeR maNagemeNT  
All directional references with respect to the joysticks  
are from the operator’s seat position.  
1. Pump stroke command is scaled when engine load  
reaches a threshold capacity, maintaining maximum  
rotor speed and preventing engine from stalling.  
2. The pedal will not be able to stroke the pump until the  
engine is at full RPM.  
hydRauLIc OIL cOOLeR faN cONTROL  
The hydraulic oil cooler fan is controlled based on oil  
temperature. Fan turns on and off at preset temperatures.  
Figure 15. Left Joystick Control  
Operator is alerted via Aux 2 on Engine\Machine monitor  
if filter needs service when filter switch is activated and oil  
is at operating temperature.  
fauLT aLeRTINg  
Red stop Lamp  
This lamp is used to relay trouble code information that  
is severe enough to warrant stopping the trowel. This is  
enabled via a command from engine J1939 fault code for  
Red Stop Lamp or fault is detected from Foot Pedal sensor.  
amber Warning Lamp  
Figure 16. Right Joystick Control  
This lamp is used to relay trouble code information that  
is reporting a problem with the system but the trowel  
need not be immediately stopped. This is enabled via a  
command from engine J1939 fault code forWarning Lamp,  
Malfunction indicator Lamp, Protect Lamp. Fault is detected  
from all other machine sensors and MCU.  
See Table 4 for steering and directional relationship to  
joystick control movement.  
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2. Push both the left and right joysticks forward (Figure 18).  
Table 4. Joystick directional positioning  
Causes only the  
left side of the  
Move LEFT Joystick  
ride-on trowel to  
move forward.  
Causes only the  
left side of the  
ride-on trowel to  
move backward.  
Move LEFT Joystick  
Causes only the  
right side of the  
ride-on trowel to  
move forward.  
Move RIGHT Joystick  
Figure 18. Joystick Control Forward Direction  
3. With your right foot, slowly depress the foot pedal  
halfway. Notice that the ride-on trowel begins to move  
in a forward direction. Release both joystick controls  
to stop forward movement then remove your right foot  
from the foot pedal.  
Move RIGHT Joystick  
Causes only the  
right side of the  
ride-on trowel to  
move backward.  
Move BOTH Joysticks  
Causes the ride-on trowel  
to move forward in  
a straight line.  
4. Practice holding the machine in one place as you  
increase blade speed. When about 75% of maximum  
blade speed has been reached, the blade will be  
moving at proper finishing speed.The machine may be  
difficult to keep in one place.Trying to keep the ride-on  
trowel stationary is a good practice for operation.  
Causes the ride-on trowel  
to move backard in  
a straight line.  
Move BOTH Joysticks  
Move RIGHTJoystick  
Causes the ride-on trowel  
to move to the right.  
to the RIGHT  
5. Practice maneuvering the ride-on trowel using the  
information listed in Table 4. Try to practice controlled  
motions as if you were finishing a slab of concrete.  
Practice edging and covering a large area.  
Move RIGHTJoystick  
Causes the ride-on trowel  
to move to the left.  
to the LEFT  
6. Try adjusting the pitch of the blades.This can be done  
with the ride-on trowel stopped or while the trowel is  
moving. Test the operation of optional equipment like  
retardant spray and lights.  
1. The foot pedal (Figure 17) solely controls blade  
speed. The position of the foot pedal determines  
the blade speed. Slow blade speed is obtained by  
slightly depressing the pedal. Maximum blade speed  
is obtained by fully depressing the pedal.  
7. Pull both the left and right joysticks backward  
(Figure 19) and repeat steps 3 through 6 while  
substituting the word reverse for forward.  
Figure 17. Blade Speed Control Foot Pedal  
Figure 19. Joystick Control Reverse Direction  
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the unsynchronized state  
BLade pITch cONTROL  
There are two modes of operation of the blade pitch system  
that can be set by the Pitch Mode Switch (Figure 20):  
Moving the switches forward increases the pitch while  
moving them backward decreases the pitch.  
„ Smart Pitch™  
„ Manual  
The trowel blades can be pitched for various finishing  
operations with the two rocker switches located on the left  
control panel next to the left joystick control (Figure 20).  
Momentarily depressing the Twin Pitch Switch will re-  
synchronize the pitch.  
maNuaL mode (pitch mode Light is Off)  
1. When the Twin Pitch Switch is pressed (up or down),  
the pitch on both rotors will be changed simultaneously  
but non-synchronously.  
2. When the Left Pitch Switch is pressed the pitch on the  
left rotor will be changed, while the pitch on the right  
rotor remains constant.  
Figure 20. Blade Pitch Control  
ImpORTaNT! To get blades absolutely flat for using  
float pans, pitch them as follows:  
smart pitch™ mode  
When the Pitch Mode Switch is in the Smart Pitch™ position  
(indicator light on), the twin-pitch and left-pitch switches  
operate as follows:  
Press and hold down both pitch switches until mode  
light blinks before installing float pans.  
1. When the Twin Pitch Switch (3-position, center off)  
is pressed (up or down), the right and left hand rotor  
pitch are changed and then the left hand rotor pitch is  
synchronized to the right hand as follows:  
paNNINg mode  
When both the Twin Pitch Switch and Left Pitch Switch are  
pressed in the down position and held for preset period (5s  
by default), the machine will enter Panning Mode.  
a. TheTwin Pitch Switch (up or down) causes the RH  
Pitch (up or down) Coil and LH Pitch (up or down)  
Coil and Pitch Dump Valve Coil to be actuated  
changing the pitch of the blades.  
1. The RH Pitch DN Coil and LH Pitch DN Coil will be  
activated pulling the yokes upward against Retracted  
Cylinder Stop, deactivating the pitch system, and  
allowing the blades to float for panning.  
b. When the operator achieves the desired pitch on  
the right hand blades and releases the Twin Pitch  
Switch, the LH Pitch (up or down) coil and Pitch  
Dump Valve Coil are actuated until the calibrated  
LH Pitch Position signal matches calibrated RH  
Pitch Position signal (.010” by Default).During this  
time the Pitch Mode Light will flash (.1 s on, .1 s off).  
2. The Pitch Mode Light will flash (.9 s on .1 s off) when  
in this mode.  
3. Machine remains in this mode until either the Twin  
Pitch Switch or Left Pitch Switch is activated in the  
upward direction.  
2. When the Left Pitch Switch (3-position, center off) is  
pressed the pitch on the left rotor will be changed, while  
the pitch on the right rotor remains constant.The Pitch  
Mode Light will turn off, to indicate pitch function is in  
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eNgINe shuTdOWN  
1. Return the throttle switch (Figure 21) to idle and allow  
the engine to idle for 5 minutes.  
Figure 21. Engine Shutdown  
Failure to allow the engine to idle for 5 minutes before  
shutting engine OFF may lead to turbocharger damage.  
2. Turn the ignition key counterclockwise to the OFF  
position then remove the key.  
3. Clean and remove any foreign debris from the trowel.  
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Table 5. maintenance schedule  
periodic maintenance Interval  
every every every  
check Item  
every every every every  
50 hrs 100 hrs 250 hrs 500 hrs  
Check Air Cleaner  
Clean Air Cleaner Element  
Replace Air Cleaner Element  
Check and Refill Engine Coolant  
Check and Clean Radiator Fins  
1st time  
2nd time  
Check and Adjust Cooling Fan V-Belt  
or yearly  
Drain, Flush, and Refill Cooling System  
With New Coolant  
Check Engine Oil Level  
Drain and Fill Engine Oil  
2nd time  
1st time  
2nd time  
1st time  
Replace Engine Oil Filter  
Check and Refill Fuel Tank Level  
Drain Fuel Tank  
Drain Fuel Filter/Water Separator  
Check Fuel Filter/Water Separator  
Clean Fuel Filter/Water Separator  
Replace Fuel Filter  
2nd time  
1st time  
Change Hydraulic Oil and Filter  
Relube Arms, Thrust Collar, and Clutch  
Remove, Clean, Reinstall, and Relube  
Arms, and Thrust Collar  
Check and replace if necessary, arm  
bushings and thrust collar bushings.  
Check blades for excessive wear or  
damage and replace as necessary.  
X (if  
Adjust Blade Speed  
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air cleaner service  
Certain maintenance operations or machine  
adjustments require specialized knowledge and skill.  
Attempting to perform maintenance operations or  
adjustments without the proper knowledge, skills or  
training could result in equipment damage or injury to  
personnel. If in doubt, consult your dealer.  
Wear protective equipment such as  
approved safety glasses or face shields  
and dust masks or respirators when  
cleaning air filters with compressed air.  
To service the air cleaner perform the following steps. See  
Figure 22 for location of parts.  
aIR cLeaNeR  
4. Release the latches located on either side of the air  
cleaner dust pan. Remove the dust pan.  
This Yanmar engine is equipped with a replaceable, high-  
density paper air cleaner element.Some will have an inner  
element that is used as a backup filter should the outer  
element becomes damaged.  
5. Remove the air cleaner element.  
6. Blow low pressure air from the inside of the element  
to dislodge the dust and dirt. Do not use excessive air  
pressure or the element will be damaged and will need  
to be replaced.  
See Figure 22 for air cleaner components.  
7. Replace the element if it is damaged or excessively  
8. Clean the inside of the dust pan.  
9. Reinstall the element or if equipped, the precleaner  
over the paper air cleaner element.  
10. Reinstall the air cleaner dust pan and secure the  
dO NOT run the engine with the air cleaner removed  
or without an element.  
RadIaTOR/cOOLINg sysTem  
Figure 22. Air Cleaner Components  
1. Check the air cleaner daily or before starting the engine.  
hOT coolant can cause severe burns. dO  
NOT remove cap if radiator is HOT.  
2. Check for and correct heavy buildup of dirt and debris  
along with loose or damaged components.  
3. Replace the element if it is found to be damaged,  
excessively dirty, or oily.  
1. Check radiator for leaks that would indicate corrosion  
or damage.  
2. Check cooling water level daily. Top off as necessary.  
Always use clean, soft water and add a long life  
coolant antifreeze. Use the mixing ratios specified by  
the Antifreeze manufacturer. Replace cooling water at  
least once a year.  
Operating the engine with loose or damaged air cleaner  
components could allow unfiltered air into the engine  
causing premature wear and failure.  
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3. Check radiator hoses for fatigue or cracking. Replace  
if in doubt of the integrity of the hoses.  
faN BeLT TeNsION  
A slack fan belt may contribute to overheating, or to  
insufficient charging of the battery. Inspect the fan belt for  
damage and wear and adjust it in accordance with the  
Yanmar Engine Owner’s Manual.  
4. Check radiator cap seal and replace as necessary.  
Refer to your engine manual for additional information.  
RadIaTOR cLeaNINg  
The fan belt tension is proper if the fan belt bends 10 to 14  
mm when depressed with the thumb as shown in Figure 24.  
1. Blow off dirt and dust from fins and radiator with 28 psi  
(0.19 MPa) or less of compressed air (Figure 23). Be  
careful not to damage the fins with the compressed air.  
2. If there a large amount of contamination on the fins, use  
detergent to clean and rinse thoroughly with tap water.  
NeveR use high-pressure water or compressed air at  
greater than 28 psi (193 kPa) or a wire brush to clean  
the radiator fins. Radiator fins damage easily.  
Figure 24. Fan Belt Tension  
eNgINe OIL  
1. When checking or adding oil, place the machine so  
the engine is level.  
2. Pull the engine oil dipstick from its holder.  
Figure 23. Radiator Cleaning  
3. Determine if engine oil is low. Oil should be between  
the upper limit and lower limit (add oil) lines.  
4. If oil is below the "Add Engine Oil" line add oil up  
to upper limit on the dipstick. Allow enough time for  
any added oil to make its way to the oil pan before  
page 32 — sTxd6i RIde-ON TROWeL• OpeRaTION maNuaL — Rev. #0 (03/23/12)  
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5. Clean sealing surface on engine where filter mounts.  
changing engine Oil and filter  
6. Coat the seal of the new oil filter with clean engine oil.  
Install new filter first by hand until it contacts the engine  
sealing surface. Tighten it another 3/4 turn using the  
filter wrench.  
Change the engine oil and filter after the first 50 hours of  
use, then every 6 months or 250 hours. Refer to Table 6 for  
recommended oil viscosity. Refer to Figure 25 for location  
of parts.  
7. Fill engine with oil until it shows between the upper and  
lower limits on the dipstick. Do Not overfill.  
Table 6. Recommended viscosity grades  
8. Run the engine briefly for several minutes. Watch for  
oil leakage. Shut the engine down and allow it to sit  
for several minutes.Top off the oil to the upper limit on  
the dipstick.  
SAE 10W-30  
SAE 15W-40  
# 30  
fueL fILTeR  
1. Replace the engine fuel filter element (Figure 26) every  
500 hours.  
F -20  
C -30  
32 40  
Figure 25. Engine Oil Service Components  
1. Remove the oil filler cap while draining the oil to allow  
the engine to drain easily.  
Figure 26. Fuel Filter  
2. Remove the drain plug to drain the oil.  
3. After oil is sufficiently drained, securely tighten the  
drain plug.  
4. Using a filter wrench, turn the oil filter counterclockwise  
to remove.  
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Refer to your engine manual for specific details to perform  
this operation.  
At the front of this manual is a “Daily Pre-Operation  
Checklist”. Make copies of this checklist and use it on a  
daily basis.  
fueL/WaTeR sepaRaTOR  
Inspect the Fuel/Water Separator daily. If the Fuel/Water  
Separator (Figure 27) has collected a significant amount of  
water and sediment at the bottom of the cup, it should be  
drained off.Refer to your engine manual for specific details  
to perform this operation.  
See the engine manual supplied with your machine  
for appropriate engine maintenance schedule and  
troubleshooting guide for problems.  
ALWAYS disconnect battery cables before attempting any  
service or maintenance on the ride-on trowel.  
hydRauLIc OIL fILTeR  
1. Change the hydraulic oil and filter (Figure 28) after the  
first 100 hours of use then change every 250 hours.  
Use 10 micron absolute synthetic media filter.  
Figure 27. Fuel/ Water Separator  
OIL aNd fueL LINes  
1. Check the oil and fuel lines and connections regularly  
for leaks or damage. Repair or replace as necessary.  
2. Replace the oil and fuel lines every two years to  
maintain the line's performance and flexibility.  
Figure 28. Hydraulic Oil Filter  
BaTTeRy/chaRgINg sysTem  
1. Check and clean battery terminals for corrosion.  
NeveR place hands near the belts or fan  
while the trowel is running.  
2. Never attempt to charge a battery that is frozen. The  
battery can explode unless first allowed to thaw.  
3. Disconnect the negative terminal ( - ) of the battery  
during storage. If unit will be stored where ambient  
temperature will drop to -15o C or less, remove and  
store battery in a warm, dry place.  
4. Checkmanufacturer'srecommendationsformaintaining  
and charging battery.  
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3. Attach the blade tie-downs to the far side of the Z-Clip  
brackets with tie-down knobs as shown in Figure 29.  
LONg TeRm sTORage  
1. Remove the battery.  
4. Check to make certain that the blade edges are  
secured under the Z-Clips and the tie-downs are  
secured completely over the edges of the blade bar  
before the machine is put back into operation.  
2. Drain fuel from fuel tank.  
3. Clean exterior with a cloth soaked in clean oil.  
4. Store unit covered with plastic sheet in a moisture and  
dust-free location out of direct sunlight.  
NeveR store the ride-on trowel with fuel in the tank for  
any extended period of time. Always clean up spilled  
fuel immediately.  
INsTaLLINg paNs ONTO fINIsheR BLades  
These round discs, sometimes referred to as "pans", attach  
to the spiders arms and allow early floating on wet concrete  
and easy movement from wet to dry areas. They are also  
very effective in embedding large aggregates and surface  
Refer to Figure 29 when installing pans onto finisher blades.  
Figure 29. Z-Clip Finisher Pan Installation  
1. Lift trowel just enough to slide pan under blades.Lower  
finisher onto pan with blades adjacent to Z-Clips.  
2. Rotate blades into position under Z-Clips. Ensure that  
the blades are rotated in the direction of travel when  
the machine is in operation or use the engine to rotate  
the blades into position.  
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Troubleshooting (Ride-On hydraulic Trowel)  
possible problem  
Other problems?  
Consult engine manufacturer’s manual.  
Check wiring. Replace as necessary.  
Replace seat cushion (contains the switch).  
Safety stop switch not functioning.  
Loose wire connections?  
Bad contacts?  
Make certain blades are in good condition, not  
excessively worn. Finish blades should measure no  
less than 2"" (50mm) from the blade bar to the trailing  
edge, combo blades should measure no less that 3.5""  
(89mm). Trailing edge of blade should be straight and  
parallel to the blade bar.  
Check that all blades are set at the same pitch angle  
as measured at the spider. A field adjustment tool is  
available for height adjustment of the trowel arms (see  
Optional Equipment)..  
Check the spider assembly for bent trowel arms. If one  
of the arms is even slightly bent, replace it immediately.  
Bent trowel arms?  
Check the trowel arm bushings for tightness. This can  
be done by moving the trowel arms up and down. If  
there is more than 1/8"" (3.2 mm) of travel at the tip of  
the arm, the bushings should be replaced. All bushings  
should be replaced at the same time.  
If trowel “bounces, rolls concrete, or makes uneven  
swirls in concrete”..  
Trowel arm bushings?  
Thrust collar?  
Check the flatness of the thrust collar by rotating it on  
the spider. If it varies by more than 0.02"" (0.5 mm)  
replace the thrust collar.  
Check the thrust collar by rocking it on the spider. If it  
can tilt more than 1/16"" (1.6 mm) [as measured at the  
thrust collar O.D.], replace the bushing in the thrust  
Thrust collar bushing?  
Thrust bearing worn?  
Check the thrust bearing to see that it is spinning freely.  
Replace if necessary.  
Check blades for consistent pitch. Adjust per  
Maintenance Section instructions if necessary.  
Blade pitch?  
Spider Finger Screws?  
Adjust per procedure in Maintenance Section.  
Machine has a perceptible rolling motion while  
Check to make sure that both fingers of the yoke press  
evenly on the wear cap. Replace yoke as necessary.  
Refer to MQ Setup/Inspection/Test Procedures Manual  
for Troubleshooting Details.  
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Troubleshooting (Ride-On hydraulic Trowel) - continued  
possible problem  
Check all electrical connections, including the master on/  
off switch and check to see if wiring is in good condition  
with no shorts. Replace as necessary.  
Lights (optional) not working.  
Check to see if light bulbs are still good. Replace if  
Check retardant level in tank. Fill tank as required.  
Check all electrical connections, including master on/off  
switch connections. Replace components and wiring as  
Check the continuity of master on/off switch. Replace if  
Retardant spray (optional) not working.  
Bad switch?  
If pump has a voltage present when the switch is turned  
on, but does not operate and electrical connections to  
the pump are good, replace the pump..  
Bad spray pump?  
Bad fuse?  
Check fuse. Replace fuse if defective.  
See section on blade speed adjustment.  
Blade speed out of adjustment?  
Check for wear of steering bearings and linkage  
components replace if necessary.  
Worn components?  
Check to ensure free movement of hydraulic drive  
Steering is unresponsive.  
Check to ensure that hydraulic steering pressure is  
adequate. See section on checking hydraulic steering  
Hydraulic pressure?  
Operating position is uncomfortable.  
Seat adjusted for operator?  
Adjust seat with lever located on the front of the seat.  
Check and repair wiring and connectors as necessary.  
Replace solenoid valve.  
Spool stuck in solenoid valve?  
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Troubleshooting (diesel engine)  
possible problem  
Add fuel. Check entire fuel system.  
Replace fuel pump.  
No Fuel reaching injection pump?  
Defective fuel pump?  
Fuel filter clogged?  
Replace fuel filter and clean tank.  
Replace or repair fuel line.  
Faulty fuel supply line?  
Check piston, cylinder and valves. Adjust or  
repair per engine repair manual.  
Compression too low?  
Engine will not start or start is delayed,  
although engine can be turned over.  
Fuel pump not working correctly?  
Oil pressure too low?  
Repair or replace fuel pump.  
Check engine oil pressure.  
Comply with cold starting instructions and  
proper oil viscosity.  
Low starting temperature limit exceeded?  
Defective battery?  
Charge or replace battery.  
Check carefully for loosened fuel line  
coupling, loose cap nut, etc.  
Air or water mixed in fuel system?  
Refill engine crankcase with correct type of  
oil for winter environment.  
Engine oil too thick?  
At low temperatures engine will not start.  
Defective battery?  
Fuel filter blocked?  
Fuel supply blocked?  
Defective fuel pump?  
Fuel tank empty?  
Replace battery.  
Replace fuel filter.  
Check the entire fuel system.  
Replace fuel pump.  
Add fuel.  
Engine fires but stops soon as starter is  
switched off.  
Fuel filter blocked?  
Defective fuel pump?  
Replace fuel filter.  
Replace fuel pump.  
Engine stops by itself during normal  
Mechanical oil pressure shutdown sensor  
stops the engine due to low oil?  
Add oil. Replace low oil shutdown sensor if  
Fuel tank empty?  
Replace fuel filter.  
Fuel filter clogged?  
Replace fuel filter.  
Fuel tank venting is inadequate?  
Ensure that tank is adequately vented.  
Check threaded pipe unions tape and tighten  
unions a required.  
Leaks at pipe unions?  
Low engine power, output and speed.  
Speed control lever does not remain in  
selected position?  
See engine manual for corrective action.  
Engine oil level too full?  
Correct engine oil level.  
Use No. 2-D diesel fuel only. Check the fuel  
injection pump element and delivery valve  
assembly and replace as necessary.  
Injection pump wear?  
page 38 — sTxd6i RIde-ON TROWeL• OpeRaTION maNuaL — Rev. #0 (03/23/12)  
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Troubleshooting (diesel engine) - continued  
possible problem  
Clean or replace air filter.  
Air filter blocked?  
Low engine power output and low speed,  
black exhaust smoke.  
Incorrect valve clearances?  
Malfunction at injector?  
Adjust valves per engine specification.  
See engine manual.  
Drain off engine oil down to uppermark on  
Too much oil in engine crankcase?  
Entire cooling air system contaminated/  
Clean cooling air system and cooling fin  
Fan belt broken or elongated?  
Coolant insufficient?  
Change belt or adjust belt tension.  
Replenish coolant.  
Engine overheats.  
Radiator net or radiator fin clogged with dust? Clean net or fin carefully.  
Fan, radiator, or radiator cap defective?  
Thermostat defective?  
Replace defective part.  
Check thermostat and replace if necessary.  
Replace parts.  
Head gasket defective or water leakage?  
Faulty engine oil pressure switch?  
No or low level of engine oil?  
Clogged engine oil filter  
Contact your nearest MQ service center.  
Check and adjust oil level as necessary.  
Replace engine oil filter.  
Engine oil pressure indicator stays on.  
Engine coolant indicator turns on.  
Battery indicator turns on.  
Low engine coolant level?  
Dirty radiator fins?  
Add engine coolant.  
Clean radiator fins.  
Engine coolant leaking?  
Contact your nearest MQ service center.  
Adjust or replace V-belt.  
V-Belt loose or damaged?  
Contaminated engine coolant?  
Faulty engine coolant pump?  
V-belt loose or damaged?  
Battery Failure?  
Contact your nearest MQ service center.  
Contact your nearest MQ service center.  
Adjust or replace V-belt.  
Check battery condition.  
Faulty Alternator?  
Contact your nearest MQ service center.  
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OperatiOn Manual  
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This manual MUsT accompany the equipment at all times. This manual is considered a permanent part of the equipment and should remain with the unit if resold.  
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